Saturday, April 16, 2011

Pop Quiz

Every now and again, I will give my husband a pop quiz on my life.  This tends to coincide with moments where I am feeling that he has "no idea who I really am" and generally in a pissed off mood.  He's a smart guy though and tends not to be baited quite so easily.

This morning he surprised me by giving me a pop quiz.  Our son recently did a project on Gladiators and my husband mentioned that the movie with Russell Crowe was his second favorite movie ever.  Ever so innocently, he asked, "You know what my favorite movie is, right?"

Uhhhh...I should know this.  But I didn't.  I blurted out "Tommy Boy?" because I can remember him laughing way too hard over that one.  Like, rediculously, is this my husband, crying with tears laughter.

"Uh, NO!"

I thought for a few seconds and could not come up with anything. 

"The Rock," he finally told me.  Really?  I remember that being a good movie, but I had no idea it was his favorite.  What kind of wife am I?

So of course to knock him off his pedestal of superiority, I gave him a pop quiz in return:

What's MY favorite movie? 

"When Harry Met Sally!" my 12-year old yelled out before my husband could answer.  I was impressed!

Who's my favorite singer?  (Way too easy, but I wanted to boost his confidence before I tore him apart).

"Duh, Jack Johnson."  (Well, seeing as I always have his music on, he'd better know that one).

Who's the only other man besides you who made me weak in the knees? 

"Oh, I know this.  It's that guy.  That crooner guy.  The one we saw in Pittsburgh on opening night of the NFL season.  Oh shoot...Carey?  Oh, what's his name? "

Harry Connick, Jr? 

"Yeah HIM!" 

Damn, he was right.  He did a little celebratory dance.  The one I normally get to do while I explain how he needs to listen to me better.

I've always hated pop quizzes.  Even more, I hate being wrong.

Even more, I hate when my husband is right.

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